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May contain: fireman, person, human, helmet, clothing, and apparel

South Whidbey Fire/EMS is hiring firefighters to help back up its dedicated team of volunteers.  So far three have been hired, but more are needed. The new additions to begin on July 11 are: Bill Piepenbrink and Alex McMahon who were selected from the District’s existing volunteer ranks; and Travis Zimmerman who has been working as a full time paramedic in Hanford.  Zimmerman joins the team as a lieutenant.

The District is still looking to fill five additional positions: one lieutenant and four firefighters.  The new hires are not sought to replace the volunteers, but rather to supplement them. Do you have experience you’d like to put to good use? Now is the time to step up and suit up.  South Whidbey Fire/EMS provides a competitive salary and benefits.  Deadline to apply is August 19, 2016.  More information visit  Questions? Contact Deputy Chief Jason Laughren at or call (360) 321-1533.

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